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February 09, 2025


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Teamster News Headlines
Arkansas LRS Workers Join Teamsters
Teamsters Celebrate Black History Month
UNFI Teamsters Ratify New Contract
Drivers at Titan Florida Join Teamsters
Teamsters Flight Attendants Reach Agreement in Principle with Sun Country
LRS Workers Unionize With Teamsters
Teamsters Overwhelmingly Ratify Contract with AEI
Baltimore Museum of Industry Workers Vote to Join Teamsters
Superior Ambulance Workers Join Teamsters
Costco Teamsters Rally Outside Corporate Headquarters
Action Center
Affiliated with the
International Brotherhood of Teamsters

Main Office:
6200 W. Bluemound Road
Milwaukee, WI 53213



I voluntarily submit this Application for Membership in Local Union 200, affiliated with the International Brotherhood of Teamsters, so that I may fully participate in the activities of the Union. I understand that by becoming and remaining a member of the Union, I will be entitled to attend membership meetings, participate in the development of contract proposals for collective bargaining, vote to ratify or reject collective bargaining agreements, run for Union office or support candidates of my choice, receive Union publications and take advantage of programs available only to Union members. I understand that only as a member of the Union will I be able to determine the course the Union takes to represent me in negotiations to improve my wages, fringe benefits and working conditions. And, I understand that the Union's strength and ability to represent my interests depends upon my exercising my right, as guaranteed by federal law, to join the Union and engage in collective activities with my fellow workers.

I understand that under the current law, I may elect "nonmember" status, and can satisfy any contractual obligation necessary to retain my employment by paying an amount equal to the uniform dues and initiation fee required of members of the Union. I also understand that if I elect not to become a member or remain a member, I may object to paying the pro-rata portion of regular Union dues or fees that are not germane to collective bargaining, contract administration and grievance adjustment, and I can request the Local Union to provide me with information concerning its most recent allocation of expenditures devoted to activities that are both germane and non-germane to its performance as the collective bargaining representative sufficient to enable me to decide whether or not to become an objector. I understand that nonmembers who choose to object to paying the pro-rata portion of regular Union dues or fees that are not germane to collective bargaining will be entitled to a reduction in fees based on the aforementioned allocation of expenditures, and will have the right to challenge the correctness of the allocation. The procedures for filing such challenges will be provided by my Local Union upon request.

I have read and understand the options available to me and submit this application to be admitted as a member of the Local Union.

Last Name *
First Name *
Date of Birth *
Social Security No. *
Street Address *
City *
State *
Zip Code *
Home Phone *
Cell Phone *
Email *
Employer *
Date of Hire *
Type of Work Performed *
Full Time or Part Time *
Hourly Rate or Commission or % of Revenue *
Previous Member of a Teamster Local? *
Local Union No.

I, of my own free will and accord, in the presence of these witnesses, and on my own sacred honor, do now covenant to keep the affairs of this Union strictly private unless authorized to reveal the same.

I will abide by its laws, both general and local, and will use all honorable means to procure employment for other members.

I will make every possible effort to attend the meetings, and will pay all dues and assessments levied in accordance with the International Brotherhood of Teamsters' laws.

I further agree, that should it be hereafter discovered that I have made any misstatements as to my qualifications for membership, that I be debarred from all benefits provided by this Union. I will be obedient to authority, orderly in meetings, respectful in words and actions, charitable in judgment of my fellow members, and will never from self-motives wrong another member, or see him/her wronged if in my power to prevent it. I will render full allegiance to this Union and never consent to subordinate its interests to those of any other organization of which I am now or may hereafter become a member. 

To all of this I pledge my sacred word and honor to observe and keep the same as long as I remain a member of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters.

Date Signed *
Signature *

Use your mouse, finger, or touch device to write your signature.

* Required Fields

(Dues Checkoff and Assignment)

Teamsters Local 200
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